Student small grants program in Soil Micro RFP launch

Request For Proposals: O.N. Allen Soil and Environmental Microbiology Small-Grants Program 2018
We are pleased to announce a small-grant opportunity for UW-Madison graduate students and postdocs studying soil and environmental microbiology, supported by the O.N. Allen professorship in Soil Science, the WID Multi-Omics Hub, the Department of Plant Pathology, and the Department of Bacteriology. We are requesting proposals for up to $2,500 to support research in soil and environmental microbiology. Proposals will be reviewed by an NSF-style panel of students and postdocs with broad scientific backgrounds, and we expect to make up to 15 awards in 2018. Proposals are due May 25, 2018. Full instructions are attached or can be downloaded here.
We are also soliciting graduate student and postdoc review panelists who will not be submitting grants but are interested in gaining experience on an NSF-style review panel. If you are interested in serving on the review panel, please contact