The Hibernator Microbiome Metabolic Phenotype
The goal of our study is to understand the interplay between host diet, the gut microbiota, and host biology. We utilize hibernation as a model system to measure the extreme shifts in nutrition from summer to winter, where there is an absence of food for a long period of time during seasonal hibernation in mammals, on abundance and diversity of gut microbiota.
Lake Microbiomes
The North Temperate Lakes Microbial Observatory seeks to understand how freshwater microbial communities assemble, the underlying traits and lifestyles of their individual members, and interactions among their members.
Agricultural Microbiomes
Over the last few decades, agronomic research has also indicated that reduced tillage or no-tillage improves crop yields in a sustainable manner.
Precision editing of microbiome using engineered bacteriophages
We are developing tools to design a panel of obligate lytic phages to precisely edit a microbial community by eliminating specific microbial species. This approach can be modified to deliver genetic payloads to specific members within a community.
Upper Airway Microbiome: Principles for Mucosal Biology in Health and Disease
The conference will bring together experts in upper airway microbiology with an emphasis in the nasal/sinus cavities, larynx and trachea to advance and integrate knowledge of the upper airway microbiome in health and disease.
The Weathering Microbiome
This project will define the microbial processes and species responsible for oxidation of ferrous iron (where the iron ion shares two of its electrons) and consequent weathering of iron-containing mineral aggregates.
The Tomato Microbiome in Sickness and in Health
This project will help researchers understand how the susceptibility of a plant host affects its microbiome and identify ways that the plant microbiome can be measured and manipulated to improve food safety and agricultural sustainability.
Harnessing Microbiomes for Global Nitrogen Cycle Management
The project will develop an effective set of computational and experimental tools that can quantify and predict the concentration and turnover rates of intracellular and extracellular metabolites (i.e. fluxes) in microbial communities.
Examining the Potential of the Microbiome in Children to Reduce Antibiotic Resistance: the EPIC Study
This study, Examining the Potential of the Microbiome in Children to Reduce Antibiotic Resistance (EPIC) will examine the impact of daycare on a child’s microbiome and risk of infection with drug-resistant pathogens.
Establishment of a Population-based Microbiome Research Core in the Survey of The Health of Wisconsin
This project will create the Population-based Microbiome Research Core (PMRC) in the Survey of Health of Wisconsin (SHOW).